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The SIL to date
02 de abril de 2024
Ratings feature
Our Ratings feature allows users to rate and receive ratings for completed transport orders on the TIMOCOM Marketplace, promoting transparency and trustworthiness within the system. For those who commission freight transport services, the Ratings feature provides added security and efficiency in selecting the right business partner for their needs. Positive ratings for communication, handling of goods, and timely loading and unloading ensure that users can trust that their cargo is in good hands. Additionally, a positive company score can give transport service providers an edge in the highly competitive market of transport services, and offers a valuable opportunity to improve their brand reputation and efficiency. Ratings for prompt payment, fairness, and communication provide valuable feedback and can help transport customers make informed decisions about which business partners to work with. This feature is integrated seamlessly into our transport orders application, providing a user-friendly and transparent system for all parties involved.
Ratings feature
Consorci ZF Internacional SAU
Tel.: +34 93 263 81 50
Email.: sil@zfbarcelona.es
El SIL BARCELONA is organized by:
El Consorci
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