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The SIL to date
02 de mayo de 2022
More flexible, digital and sustainable work environments

The COVID pandemic has revolutionized the way we work and has precipitated changes that have been announced for years. One of the most resounding effects is the rethinking of work spaces and environments. Goodbye to the traditional scheme in which an employee had to go to the office every day, five days a week, in a fixed space and at fixed times, with a telephone and a single computer.  

The concept of liquid work is strongly penetrating the world of work. The post-COVID-19 reality will lead to a flexible coexistence between face-to-face and remote work, with the emergence of new rules and models to help ensure their proper coordination and productivity.

Nowadays, in many workplaces there is no fixed location for each employee, many of them work with their own laptop - the same one they use at home - and they do not even have a fixed telephone line at their desk. This is the hot desking model, which consists of making all the workstations available to the staff for each day. The employee reserves his or her workstation daily, which can vary according to availability. This has also led to the elimination of drawers and each person is assigned a locker to store his or her belongings.

Actually, the dynamic is to turn workplaces into places where employees can come together and meet for certain topics and situations, and even to carry out certain tasks that are more related to innovation, and at the same time serve to reinforce the feeling of belonging.

Digitalization and sustainability are also playing a major role in this new era of work. The migration to the cloud of programs, applications and files of all kinds favors the possibility of connecting remotely, increases flexibility and efficiency and even represents a great benefit in terms of sustainability. The use of the cloud can reduce energy consumption by 65% and carbon emissions by up to 84% compared to the physical deployment of IT equipment, according to Accenture. According to the World Economic Forum, digitalization can help decarbonize the world by reducing CO₂ emissions by up to 35% over the next decade.




More flexible, digital and sustainable work environments