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The SIL to date
17 de mayo de 2022
Mobile robotics makes its way into the manufacturing industry

Autonomous mobile robots are changing the landscape of automation in the industry, especially in collaborative environments, those where robots share workspace with people and therefore must do so safely. Robotics is one of the cornerstones of the so-called Industry 4.0 along with artificial intelligence, the internet of things and data analytics. All of them are tools that contribute to improving production processes and product quality, as well as gaining in efficiency and sustainability.

Mobile robotics is increasingly being implemented in industry and the logistics processes of many businesses. They take care of the most repetitive tasks or even the transport within the plant of heavy parts and materials. Contrary to what might be thought, the introduction of robotics in industry does not necessarily entail the elimination of jobs. The so-called collaborative robots are designed precisely to work in coordination with an operator, as an element to improve safety, in addition to allowing workers to engage in other less mechanical and repetitive and more creative tasks. Furthermore, their safety is guaranteed thanks to the 360o sensors integrated into the equipment, which allow them to recognize objects or people and stop before colliding with them.

Robots also represent a breakthrough for the competitiveness of companies, making them more flexible and intelligent. Thanks to the robots and the information they store, a practically complete traceability system can be implemented to access all relevant information about a product: how many operators are working, where the product is at any time, how it has been treated, in other words, the status of the production process is monitored throughout the process.

Currently any industry, regardless of its size, can have access to collaborative robotics. This is due to several factors such as scalability (you can start a project for a single robot or in a single space and then progressively expand) or the reduction of product prices. This circumstance, in addition to other factors, such as the fact that no physical modifications have to be made to the layout, makes mobile robotics accessible to any small and medium-sized company.


Mobile robotics makes its way into the manufacturing industry