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The SIL to date
22 de marzo de 2021
The pandemic, a turning point in ecommerce logistics

There is no doubt that the pandemic has marked a before and after in the logistics sector. The year 2020, before there was a slightest idea of ​​what was looming by a virus that had appeared in China, began with very optimistic data regarding electronic commerce.

Following the declaration of the state of alarm, supply chains experienced severe stress and transformation that has affected mass retailers. Electronic commerce has skyrocketed and does not stop growing since, according to Astound Commerce data, it will move more than 40,000 million euros in Spain in 2021. The study states that e-commerce sales increased by 36% in Spain in 2020. For 2021, it foresees that more than 80% of Spaniards will buy online at some point and the average expenditure will be around 900 euros per person, adding up to a total of 40,000 to 45,000 million euros. This means 24% more than the previous year.

On the other hand, as stated in the "1st Consumer Radiography and Coronavirus" prepared by Webloyalty, the average monthly expenditure on electronic commerce is around 54 euros. The months of the year in which the sales volume increased the most were February and November, marked by Valentine's Day, Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday. In addition, according to data from the IEBS Business School, 62.3% of those surveyed for their study buy online once or twice a month, while 25.9% do so one or more times a week and 11, 8% just once or twice a year.

The pandemic, a turning point in ecommerce logistics