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Job Market Place
The Job Market Place, which Barcelona Activa organised in collaboration with the SIL, and in 2024 had several companies registered with the intention of filling different job vacancies, including Decathlon El Prat, Nou Transport, Columat, DHL Supply Chain, Espritec Spain, Sertrans, Ocean Transport and Appia Group by VGG.

It is a recruitment and networking space in which companies were able to find candidates according to their needs. A total of 782 candidates applied for the positions offered by the participating companies, from which the 107 who most met the required profiles were selected, who held a job interview on the last day of the SIL.

Consorci ZF Internacional SAU
Tel.: +34 93 263 81 50
Email.: sil@zfbarcelona.es
El SIL BARCELONA is organized by:
El Consorci
www.silbcn.com © SIL, all rights reserved.
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