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The SIL to date
22 de mayo de 2024
Eaship, the transport management software for manufacturers
Centralize and automate transportation management with the easiest and fastest platform to implement and improve your customers' experience. What does transport management involve? Manual tasks, decentralized information that doesn't allow data analysis, and a lot of wasted time. Digitizing transport management with Eaship translates into reducing management times by half, increasing the productivity of each person by three and analyzing data to make strategic decisions. How do we make it possible? With a plug & play software designed for manufacturers that offers total control over your orders in the operation, obtain real-time insights with the data analytics section, assign loading docks with your carriers, and manage administrative documentation.
Eaship, the transport management software for manufacturers
Consorci ZF Internacional SAU
Tel.: +34 93 263 81 50
Email.: sil@zfbarcelona.es
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El Consorci
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