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The SIL to date
22 de mayo de 2024
Actiontracker is based on selling customers the following products and services: consulting services for the definition of the type of equipment and subsystems to be integrated; communication and support services needed by the customer, communications switchboard or radio base; sale of the devices, wearables and shipments, Exocare; connectivity service to data communication networks (mobile telephony, NB-IoT, LTE and satellite access); software platform access service (PaaS or SaaS), or software as a service, since access to the platform will be obtained according to the type of access licenses; support and troubleshooting services, to be performed largely remotely, and equipment maintenance and repair.
Consorci ZF Internacional SAU
Tel.: +34 93 263 81 50
Email.: sil@zfbarcelona.es
El SIL BARCELONA is organized by:
El Consorci
www.silbcn.com © SIL, all rights reserved.
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