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The SIL to date
29 de junio de 2022
Lean & Green, the European platform to reduce emissions associated with the supply chain

According to data from the Transport and Logistics Observatory, the transport sector is the sector most responsible for greenhouse gas emissions (27.5%) ahead of other sectors such as industry and energy. The European Lean & Green platform proposes an action guide for companies to reduce CO₂ emissions in their logistics activities by at least 20% over a maximum period of five years, increasing that percentage gradually until reaching emissions neutrality.

Born in the Netherlands, Lean & Green currently has a presence in 14 countries and more than 600 member companies throughout Europe, making it a leading European community in sustainable logistics.

In the case of Spain, a total of 82 companies have joined the initiative. Renewing goods vehicles, energy efficiency and the renovation of storage systems are among the objectives that its members are willing to implement to reduce the environmental impact of their activities.

The sustainable logistics raised by this EU initiative, coordinated in Spain by AECOC since 2017, focuses on actions for the renewal of the fleet of goods vehicles, the digitization and optimization of loading processes, energy efficiency and the renewal of storage systems.

To become a member, companies must submit a sustainable logistics action plan. Other actions related to sustainable logistics implemented by Lean & Green companies include the creation of regional production and warehousing centers to meet product demand and reduce transportation mileage. On the other hand, it is important for transport optimization that vehicles are never empty or half-loaded with goods. Multi-delivery - taking advantage of truck movements to deliver other products - is proving to be a sustainable solution for companies.

Lean & Green, the European platform to reduce emissions associated with the supply chain
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