Infraestructures Ferroviàries de Catalunya (Ifercat) is a public entity attached to the Department of Territory of the Generalitat of Catalonia. Its primary role in the articulation of the Railway System of Catalonia is established by Railway Law 4/2006, of March 31. Ifercat's mission focuses on designing, building, conserving, managing and administering railway infrastructure, new or already built, assigned to it by the government. To this end, the necessary management tools are developed and the corresponding studies and projects are carried out to provide the territory with a railway network that contributes to the competitiveness and sustainability of the transportation system.
Within the framework of fulfilling its mission, Ifercat has set five strategic objectives:
1. Progress in the construction and commissioning of Line 9 of the Barcelona metro.
2. Plan and project new railway axes, particularly the Orbital Railway Line and the Transversal Railway Axis.
3. Promote the implementation of light rail systems (tram train) by improving the use of existing infrastructure, as well as building new infrastructure when necessary.
4. Acquire knowledge in the railway field to contribute to the planning and design of infrastructure, providing an efficient response to government orders.
5. Promote research in the railway field and contribute to the transmission of knowledge in society.