Our company goes back more than 100 years. Since our creation in 1916, we have managed the industrial estate in Zona Franca and its customs zone, as well as promoted many different projects in other parts of the city and the metropolitan area, always linked to high added value activities with a major component of innovation.
We are an active agent, constantly stimulating business activity in the metropolitan area of Barcelona.
We generate development opportunities for the industry of the future; an industry in touch with sustainability and innovation on an international scale.
We are committed to the UN 2030 Agenda.
In 2019 we made the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) a priority for us and an element that makes our Corporate Social Responsibility unique.
Our Ethical Management and Social Responsibility Policy meets the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact on human rights, work, the environment, corruption and the 2030 Agenda.