Infraestructures of the Generalitat of Catalonia SAU ( is a public company of the Generalitat of Catalonia that has the status of own means of the Administration of the Generalitat of Catalonia and its public sector.
A) Objectives when acting in one's own name and on one's own account:
- Design, build, conserve, maintain, modernize and exploit the irrigation ditches and secondary distribution channels of the Segarra-Garrigues canal.
- Acquire and transmit land susceptible to agricultural use or other types of exploitation and its management and exploitation.
- Carry out promotion, management, exploitation, conservation, maintenance and modernization activities of equipment directly or indirectly related to the scope of action of public administrations.
- Prepare studies and projects, and provide advice and assistance in the technical, financial and management fields and the direct actions required in relation to the above activities and all types of buildings and infrastructure.
- Own the promotion and ownership of those building and infrastructure actions entrusted to it by the Government to exploit them as owner and carry out the corresponding activities and services.
B) Objectives when it acts as a medium owned by the Generalitat of Catalonia and its public sector:
- Manage tenders and contracts for the drafting of projects and studies, execution of works and all services and assistance linked to construction, conservation, maintenance and modernization of buildings and infrastructure actions.
- Formalize contracts with successful bidders; supervise its execution.
- Prepare studies and projects, technical and optional assistance and provide advice and assistance in the technical, financial and management fields and the direct actions required in all types of building and infrastructure actions.