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The SIL to date
02 de mayo de 2024
Zero-emission journeys from Catalonia to Central Europe
Sertrans is proud to introduce an innovative logistics solution that combines the use of electric trucks and intermodal rail travel to connect Catalonia with central Europe. Transport begins in the area of Catalonia, where it picks up the goods with an electric truck and moves them to the Le Boulou railway terminal. There, an electric train pulls and deposits the trailer in Bettemburg (Luxembourg), where the last mile is also carried out with an electric tractor unit. Zero emissions from source to destination. We are committed to sustainability by drastically reducing the carbon footprint of our transport operations. Electric trucks, powered by clean energy from our solar panels, offer an eco-friendly and efficient alternative to fossil fuels, while intermodal travel can also reduce transit times. With this innovation, we are not only driving the fight against climate change, but also improving the efficiency and competitiveness of our operations.
Zero-emission journeys from Catalonia to Central Europe
Consorci ZF Internacional SAU
Tel.: +34 93 263 81 50
Email.: sil@zfbarcelona.es
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El Consorci
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