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The SIL to date
29 de abril de 2024
Using drones, 5G, and artificial intelligence to detect FODs
This innovation combines drones, artificial intelligence and 5G to develop a solution for detecting FODs (Foreign Objects Debris) on the runways of Aena airports. Routine runway inspections must be conducted at airports to detect the presence of FODs, which are "inanimate objects within the area of movement that have no operational or aeronautical function and may pose a hazard to aircraft operations". This proof of concept has been carried out at San Sebastian Airport, the solution consists of the flight of a drone over the runway, which sends images in real time through the 5G network to a server by which an artificial intelligence algorithm is executed that shows the detections of objects on a display screen. This proof of concept validates a novel solution adapted to the rhythms of today's society in terms of sustainability and digitalization.
Using drones, 5G, and artificial intelligence to detect FODs
Consorci ZF Internacional SAU
Tel.: +34 93 263 81 50
Email.: sil@zfbarcelona.es
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