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The SIL to date
06 de mayo de 2024
Underwater Noise Monitoring and Cetacean Tracking System - APBA
The project has focused on the adoption of a digital platform that, on the one hand, makes it possible to periodically monitor the underwater noise generated by port activity, including ships and infrastructure maintenance and expansion works, and, on the other hand, to periodically evaluate the impact of this noise on the marine fauna of the area. both during the execution phase and later in the operation. The scope of the project has consisted of the installation, configuration and commissioning of the Sinay HUB platform in the facilities of the Port of Algeciras Bay, as well as in the waters of the Strait of Gibraltar, enabling (1) the continuous monitoring and evaluation of the underwater noise generated by ships and work carried out in the port area, (2) the continuous monitoring of the distribution of cetacean populations in the environment of the waters of the Bay and the Strait, by incorporating data from existing observations and platforms (OBIS) and the use of habitat models and (3) obtaining noise risk maps with indicators and metrics of the impact of port activity on marine biodiversity. In addition, this tool will allow the automatic generation of reports with the data required by the competent authorities in environmental matters.
Underwater Noise Monitoring and Cetacean Tracking System - APBA
Consorci ZF Internacional SAU
Tel.: +34 93 263 81 50
Email.: sil@zfbarcelona.es
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