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The SIL to date
03 de mayo de 2024
TenndersFMS: your best ally for digital load management
TenndersFMS is the cargo management system to start digitizing the daily operations of contracting land transport, especially full loads. The tool integrates a private marketplace to optimize the contracting of loads or trucks that the partners of the user company want to share with it. The system also has a control tower to monitor loads and manage shipment information and a directory where the database of suppliers and customers is registered with their respective histories. Implementing our platform has enabled Tennders' operations team to execute up to 40% of spot transactions fully digitally, significantly increasing our operational efficiency. Our goal is that companies that operate with long-distance ground transportation can also enjoy shortening order processing time and doubling the total volume of cargo transported without making large investments in technology.
TenndersFMS: your best ally for digital load management
Consorci ZF Internacional SAU
Tel.: +34 93 263 81 50
Email.: sil@zfbarcelona.es
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