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The SIL to date
06 de mayo de 2024
Smart Solution for Early Detection of Oil and Wastewater Spills - APBA
The scope of the pilot project has consisted of validating the use of a digital management and decision-making support tool for the control and monitoring of the marine environment, through the observation of the sea surface via satellite images; and with the aim of identifying stains associated with the spill of petroleum products and the discharge of sewage into the waters of the Port of Algeciras. The processing of these images with the application of machine learning models makes it possible to identify a spill as well as to characterize the type of product, in the case of hydrocarbons. On the other hand, the integration of AIS data, on the geographical positioning of ships, offers information with which to clarify the possible causes of maritime pollution incidents by being able to analyse the trajectory and manoeuvres of ships. In addition, the platform contains automatic notification and reporting functionalities in order to promote the rapid implementation of measures to control and protect the physical environment.
Smart Solution for Early Detection of Oil and Wastewater Spills - APBA
Consorci ZF Internacional SAU
Tel.: +34 93 263 81 50
Email.: sil@zfbarcelona.es
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