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The SIL to date
06 de mayo de 2024
SIMPLE (SIMplification of Processes for a Logistic Enhancement) is a decentralised digital platform for exchanging data linked to the transport of goods, in maritime, rail and road modes, and between the different nodes of the supply chain. It focuses on interoperability between ecosystems through an architecture based on APIs and blockchain, on a common semantic model defined at European level, and providing a user interface that allows access to digital facilities to actors without the capacity to integrate between systems. Therefore, it facilitates the sharing of data between ecosystems with common capabilities, and in a security and cybersecurity environment. It involves promoting digitalisation as a fundamental driver of efficiency, simplification and harmonisation in transport and logistics, allowing the traceability of goods and means of transport, the best use of resources and the reduction of costs.
Consorci ZF Internacional SAU
Tel.: +34 93 263 81 50
Email.: sil@zfbarcelona.es
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El Consorci
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