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The SIL to date
02 de mayo de 2024
The SICHOCK project tackles the problem of accidents at logistics docks during loading and unloading operations, especially with dangerous goods through a smart chock. The SICHOCK solution focuses on improving safety in these processes using a system that detects and verifies the correct placement of chocks on the wheels of vehicles. This system includes an audible and light alarm that warns of unexpected vehicle starting, thus increasing safety on the docks. SICHOCK operates using IoT technology, allowing internet connection for the transmission of real-time data on loading and unloading operations. This system is innovative in the market, standing out for its global IoT communication capability and its focus on safety in both dock environments and mobile truck operations. SICHOCK not only improves safety but also optimizes loading and unloading times, contributing to overall logistics efficiency.
Consorci ZF Internacional SAU
Tel.: +34 93 263 81 50
Email.: sil@zfbarcelona.es
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El Consorci
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