03 de mayo de 2024
Rolling Stock Testing
Our customers, Railway and Industrial Companies, are very interested in testing new rolling stock for approval. LFP makes its binational facilities and teams available to accompany them in the implementation of this process. LFP's action can be summarised in 5 points: active listening to the client company, solution-oriented, providing advice and recommendations to ensure a great deal of autonomy in the development of the tests; experience in operational safety, assistance in the preparation of test dossiers; implementation of test and operating procedures adapted on a case-by-case basis; conditioning of the facilities to allow the delivery of traction machines by roads that are not yet approved, and coordination with the neighbouring infrastructure managers ADIF and SNCF Réseau. LFP's DNA is to run trains safely and on time. By developing our offering in the field of rolling stock testing, LFP responds to the expectations of owners or manufacturers of equipment, also helping to accelerate the introduction of new rolling stock on the market, useful for the development of the transport offer and the modal shift to rail.