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The SIL to date
02 de abril de 2024
Quotes for freight
We submit our innovative Quotes feature for the Innovation Awards. The feature benefits shippers and carriers by providing a quick initial contact, eliminating time-consuming emails and phone calls, and displaying all quotes for freight in one place for easy comparison. The feature offers high security and improves internal communication. Carriers can benefit from this feature by quickly contacting shippers through the Freight Exchange, reducing language barriers, and gaining clarity in planning their capacities. The feature also allows carriers to highlight their company and offers better visibility of their quotes for freight to shippers.
Quotes for freight
Consorci ZF Internacional SAU
Tel.: +34 93 263 81 50
Email.: sil@zfbarcelona.es
El SIL BARCELONA is organized by:
El Consorci
www.silbcn.com © SIL, all rights reserved.
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