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The SIL to date
03 de mayo de 2024
Project IS2H4C - ZLC
It is a generally accepted fact that, economically, environmentally and socially, our economies need to become much more circular. A new and more ambitious approach is needed to create circularities at scale. IS2H4C, a new Horizon Europe-funded project involving ZLC, seeks to move From Industrial Symbiosis to Nodes for Circularity, deploying pioneering research that will support circularity ecosystems spanning entire industrial regions, demonstrated in four hubs with very different characteristics. Its core will be the creation of a digital collaboration platform that can use decision support modules in each circularity hub (H4C). It will give priority to efficiency in the use of resources, the maximum use of renewable energies, waste prevention and the promotion of symbiosis not only in industry, but also between urban and rural centers.
Project IS2H4C - ZLC
Consorci ZF Internacional SAU
Tel.: +34 93 263 81 50
Email.: sil@zfbarcelona.es
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