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The SIL to date
26 de abril de 2024
Portal BEST+: one step ahead
With the new BEST+ portal, Hutchison Ports BEST continues to bet on technological innovation to provide its customers with real-time information that allows them to anticipate and plan their operations. BEST+ is an online platform for the different users of the terminal, customizable and collaborative, with a Freemium and Premium model that allows precise and real-time tracking of ships, trains and trucks. Additionally, the portal offers information about the status of the terminal, as well as the possibility of requesting services and monitoring them, achieving traceability at all times. A step ahead that allows every BEST client to be closer, to reach further.
Portal BEST+: one step ahead
Consorci ZF Internacional SAU
Tel.: +34 93 263 81 50
Email.: sil@zfbarcelona.es
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