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The SIL to date
23 de abril de 2024
Niupack Side
The company J2 servid, with more than 30 years of experience in the packaging sector for the protection of goods during transport, has launched the Niupack Side on the market. This solution belongs to the Niupack range of unique and eco-friendly products, known in the United States as "void filler". J2 has patented this new model, with a smaller, foldable top lid, which is placed inside the stretch film once the pallet has been wrapped. Achieving a greater fixation of the Niupack and a reduction in the material used, as the lid is smaller than most other Niupacks. It is a piece of corrugated cardboard, made with a foldable honeycomb structure, which makes the product easy to place, economical, safe, efficient, very resistant and takes up little folded space. Each piece is placed between the pallets, acting as a separator and thus preventing the goods from swaying, tilting or falling during transport, once palletized and loaded.
Niupack Side
Consorci ZF Internacional SAU
Tel.: +34 93 263 81 50
Email.: sil@zfbarcelona.es
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