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The SIL to date
15 de abril de 2024
Logistics Training in Motion (LTIM): Training the professionals of the future
Logistics Training in Motion was born in 2023 in a context where the logistics industry is increasingly relevant in terms of generating wealth and job opportunities. However, the sector suffers from a shortage of logistics talent, which is why Prologis, together with the University of Barcelona and Sant Boi de Llobregat City Council, launched LTIM, an innovative educational project aimed at training and retaining logistics talent. The program offers, through three courses, theoretical knowledge in the classroom and practices in leading companies in the sector, based on the real and current needs of logistics companies to respond to future challenges. More than half of the students who have passed through the classroom are women and many of those who have already completed the first or second year of the program have already found new job opportunities in the sector.
Logistics Training in Motion (LTIM): Training the professionals of the future
Consorci ZF Internacional SAU
Tel.: +34 93 263 81 50
Email.: sil@zfbarcelona.es
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