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The SIL to date
27 de febrero de 2024
Logistics of samples and special products
Safety and reliability are a critical aspect in sample management, aware of the difficulty of transporting small quantities and that sometimes it is easier to transport a container than a sample, Tecnisample has been dedicated to the logistics management and transport of samples for more than 30 years. We pick up at any point in the national territory and deliver to any national or international destination, without limitation of countries, with air, land, or combined transport. We select the appropriate packaging for the type of product to be transported and comply with current transport regulations in the case of biological samples, infectious substances, and dangerous goods, working with approved packaging. We offer a specialized service for the biomedical and life sciences sector, for the transport of infectious or biological substances, at room temperature, refrigerated, frozen or cryogenic. For samples that require frozen temperature, we have an active dry ice sample logistics service, which is already trusted by the main health, research, and laboratory centres.
Logistics of samples and special products
Consorci ZF Internacional SAU
Tel.: +34 93 263 81 50
Email.: sil@zfbarcelona.es
El SIL BARCELONA is organized by:
El Consorci
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