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The SIL to date
23 de abril de 2024
Logistics Confidence Index 2024
The Spanish Logistics Confidence Index is the result of a market study designed to measure the confidence and expectations of the sector for the coming months of the main players in the sector. Based on the methodology used by market research in other countries, Analytiqa, CBRE and Logicor have jointly defined a survey that explores the key performance indicators of companies in the logistics sector in Spain. The report provides insights from the perspective of logistics operators, retailers, and industry alike, offering a 360º view of the current market sentiment. For the analysis, we had the participation of 50 respondents, whose profile serves CEOs and those who hold leadership positions in their respective companies. Reflecting their opinions on growth plans in terms of turnover, profitability, investment, space occupation, sustainability, and workforce. Respondents also shared their views on various topical topics, such as the current geopolitical environment, rising costs, and technological innovation.
Logistics Confidence Index 2024
Consorci ZF Internacional SAU
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Email.: sil@zfbarcelona.es
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