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The SIL to date
03 de mayo de 2024
The MODALIS Group, in collaboration with AGESIA, unveiled a groundbreaking lightweight swap-body at JEC World 2024, designed for European road-rail freight. This 45 ft intermodal transport unit, the result of four years' research, features a composite material floor, reducing weight by nearly a tonne compared to traditional units. Its innovative design offers the largest interior volume on the market while maintaining strength and durability. Economic benefits are significant, allowing for increased cargo capacity without compromising on weight. Additionally, the swap-body's composite material is 100% recyclable, contributing to decarbonizing transport. Prototypes will undergo rigorous testing before production, including simulation of over 250,000 body movements. A digital twin prototype, using fiber optics technology, enables anticipation of technical issues. This innovation aligns with MODALIS Group's commitment to providing sustainable logistics solutions, encouraging the transition to low-carbon intermodal transport.
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