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The SIL to date
22 de mayo de 2024
Interoperability Across Global Platforms: Agility for Electronic Document Exchange
Usyncro and CargoX are competitors but join forces to bring functionalities and agility to their users, once again demonstrating the leadership of both companies in the adoption of European policies towards the digitalization of the sector. We are taking another step forward in interoperability between platforms by creating this connection to continue at the forefront of the upcoming implementation of eFTI 1056/2020 and the generation of electronic transport documents with international validity. Objective: INTEROPERABILITY in the ICA process for Egypt using Blockchain technology. Users no longer have to use two different systems to perform this process. Errors, costs, and time are reduced. Benefits for Usyncro users exporting goods to Egypt. This will allow them to quickly obtain the ACID number generated by the NAFEZA customs system, which is necessary to carry out import customs formalities. At the same time, benefits for users of the CargoX Platform will make their documentation of shipments to Spain available digitally to the Spanish Tax Agency. Project carried out in collaboration with Leitat with the support of Logistic Incubator.
Interoperability Across Global Platforms: Agility for Electronic Document Exchange
Consorci ZF Internacional SAU
Tel.: +34 93 263 81 50
Email.: sil@zfbarcelona.es
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