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The SIL to date
27 de febrero de 2024
Fríobox Return - Reusable isothermal packaging
Fríobox Return® is a line of reusable isothermal packaging, made for intensive use, previously pre-qualified to ensure that the necessary temperature ranges are met. Insulated packaging designed to reduce waste, protect the environment, and reduce the carbon footprint. Composed of VIP high insulation panels and phase change accumulators, Fríobox Return® is a range of robust, high-performance reusable enclosures, which guarantees much higher insulation than other materials, as well as the required temperature stability. The main advantage of Fríobox Return® lies in the fact that it is a line of insulated boxes that is committed to circularity since they can be used in multiple shipments, which contributes significantly to the reduction of waste generated by disposable packaging, it also allows us to offer customers total traceability of the transit of the boxes, with dataloggers to have a temperature control and GPS to have the location in real time.
Fríobox Return - Reusable isothermal packaging
Consorci ZF Internacional SAU
Tel.: +34 93 263 81 50
Email.: sil@zfbarcelona.es
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