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The SIL to date
03 de mayo de 2024
Carbon Budget
The "Carbon Budget" module embedded within the GreenRouter platform is specifically crafted to anticipate and manage CO2e emissions stemming from transportation activities. Specifically tailored, this module forecasts emission trajectories over forthcoming years by analysing historical data inputs and external factors influencing transportation dynamics—such as volume shifts, vehicle performance variations, and weight-to-packaging ratios, all customisable by users. Following this predictive analysis, the Carbon Budget empowers transportation management by facilitating the delineation of actionable strategies aimed at achieving prescribed reduction targets. Notably, it offers the flexibility to define multiple action plans and compare their potential impacts comprehensively. Each proposed action plan can be fine-tuned with precise implementation timelines and activation scopes, ensuring a strategic and adaptable approach towards emissions mitigation.
Carbon Budget
Consorci ZF Internacional SAU
Tel.: +34 93 263 81 50
Email.: sil@zfbarcelona.es
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El Consorci
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