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The SIL to date
02 de mayo de 2024
Aplicom T20 Telematics Gateway
The Aplicom T20 is a compact 4G IoT device designed for mobile equipment tracking and monitoring. The unit is equipped with multiple interfaces for connecting additional devices, such as iButton, keypad, RFID readers, and temperature sensors. Two CAN bus interfaces enable the collection of data from vehicles and mobile equipment. Open communication protocols make the integration with back-end systems straightforward and easy. Additionally, custom applications can be developed using the device‘s SDK. The T20 features over-the-air device management capabilities for firmware updates, remote configuring and debugging but also deploying custom applications.
Aplicom T20 Telematics Gateway
Consorci ZF Internacional SAU
Tel.: +34 93 263 81 50
Email.: sil@zfbarcelona.es
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