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The SIL to date
22 de mayo de 2024
AI4Clearace + Artificial Intelligence for Tariff Item Detection
It makes it easy to extract the product description from shipping documents and at the same time automatically cross-checks the product description against the tariff heading indicated in customs clearance. Its application in customs operations makes it possible to detect discrepancies and automatically extract the relevant data from the documents. With its implementation, eCommerce parcel management is streamlined, being able to lighten the workload of customs agents and resolving administrative "bottlenecks", while providing the tax agency with more accuracy and control in the request for tariffs. This also serves to combat fraud, one of the main concerns detected for this type of merchandise. Another application of AI carried out in collaboration with the Tax Agency has been the creation of a neural network for the detection of Dual-Use tariff items.
AI4Clearace + Artificial Intelligence for Tariff Item Detection
Consorci ZF Internacional SAU
Tel.: +34 93 263 81 50
Email.: sil@zfbarcelona.es
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