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The SIL to date
29 de abril de 2024
Aena Mobility
Aena Mobility is a MaaS (Mobility as a Service) service through which we connect airports with city transport. This project aims to integrate different transport operators (multimodality) considering various aspects such as quantity, time, and sustainability. Currently, it is available for both Android and iOS and has been deployed in Madrid and Barcelona. Aena mobility integrates different types of operators to cover all fields. These are Transit Operator (urban collective public use service such as tram, bus...), On-demand Operator (individual semi-public use service such as taxis, VTC), Sharing Operator (fleets of motorcycles, bicycles, skates...), Long-distance Operator (semi-public intercity service such as trains, buses) and LaaS Operator (offers commercial services). In addition, from Aena mobility you can access other services such as VIP Lounges, AenaMaps or the Aena car park.
Aena Mobility
Consorci ZF Internacional SAU
Tel.: +34 93 263 81 50
Email.: sil@zfbarcelona.es
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