Page 21 - SIL2018
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La zona SIL CTL liderada por ACTE contó con numerosas actividades de Districenter – Holding M. Condeminas no faltó a su cita en el SIL 2018.
networking. Districenter – Holding M. Condeminas didn’t miss its SIL 2018
The SIL CTL area, led by ACTE, held several networking activities. appointment.
La FEM-AEM, con su presidente José Mª de Alfons Esteve y Rosa Romero presentaron en Isidre Gavín (Director General de CIMALSA) en una
Simón Goyanes, realizó su Asamblea General el SIL 2018 su libro «El transporte marítimo de de las muchas presentaciones que se realizaron
Ordinaria dentro del SIL. mercancías». dentro del stand de la Generalitat de Catalunya.
FEM-AEM, led by its President José Mª de Alfons Esteve and Rosa Romero presented Isidre Gavín (Managing Director, CIMALSA) at one of
Simón Goyanes, held its General Ordinary at SIL 2018 their book «The sea transport of the many presentations that took place at the stand
Assembly at SIL. goods». of the Autonomous Government of Catalonia.
El Port de Tarragona celebró el Día de la Comunitat Portuaria con un Brunch en su stand.
Port of Tarragona celebrated the Port community Day with a brunch at its stand.