Page 11 - SIL2018
P. 11


            Stand del Grupo TATOMA. - Grupo TATOMA’s stand.

            César Briones (Director General de  Viastore Systems) mostrando un
            entorno de realidad virtual a Ricard Font.
            César Briones (Managing  Director,  Viastore Systems)  showing Ricard   Stand de CIL Group.
            Font a virtual reality environment.                        CIL Group’s stand.

            Alfonso Valderrama (Director General de Crown Lift Trucks) conversó con
            Ricard Font y Josep Vicent Boira.
            Alfonso Valderrama (Managing Director, Crown Lift Trucks) talking with   Stand del ATOX Sistemas de Almacenaje.
            Ricard Font and Josep Vicent Boira.                        Stand of ATOX Sistemas de Almacenaje.

                                                                                          Stand de ICIL, Institute for Careers and
                                                                                          Innovation in Logistics & Supply Chain.
            Stand de ViiA, Las Autopistas Ferroviarias.  Grupo Embalex celebró su 100 Aniversario.  Stand  of ICIL, Institute  for Careers and
            ViiA, Las Autopistas Ferroviarias’ stand.  Grupo Embalex celebrated its 100 Anniversary.  Innovation in Logistics & Supply Chain.
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