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Our publications have the objective of presenting to the protagonists, companies and entrepreneurs that, day
after day, play a transcendental role in the business world between companies. And from their fundamental
role, they contribute to the growth of this activity and of this sector, not only at national level, within borders,
but also outside them, in a chain that crosses them.
Each copy we print is free and distributed to the most active members of Chambers and Guilds, both National
and International. Additionally, it arrives by mail to a select base of executives and decision makers, with the
criterion of satisfying the communication interest of our advertisers. Finally, according to the events of the
QUARTER, each number is distributed, mainly in certain events reached by the area of validity of the
Logistics Guide has become the reference tool for the sector.
Logistics Guide includes the most complete Foreign Trade and Logistics Network.
It has an annual frequency, and a circulation of 20,000 printed copies certified by the Circulation Verifier
Institute and more than 100,000 downloads audited by Google.
The printed copies are distributed free of charge according to this directive: 50% to the owners of the cargo
(exporters, industrialists and importers), 30% to the providers of cargo services (operators, ports, terminals,
warehouses, customs brokers, cargo agents) and 20% to authorities, institutions and opinion makers.
Consorci ZF Internacional SAU
Tel.: +34 93 263 81 50
Email.: sil@zfbarcelona.es
El SIL BARCELONA is organized by:
El Consorci
www.silbcn.com © SIL, all rights reserved.
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